Monday, June 27, 2005

Official Packing List from Florida

[I will have copies of this release at Good Shepherd so that parents can sign them on Friday night. Also, please note their restrictions on cell phones and electronics. These supercede what we discussed at our meeting on Sunday, so please do not bring them. -Pastor Andy]

You will have a roll away bed, so you will need to bring a sleeping bag or bedroll and a pillow. You may still want a mat for our nights in Georgia. Bring clothing and other items appropriate to our summer weather, and the work projects.


  • Bible - an open heart and desire to serve
  • Guitar/musical instruments - Very small harmonicas
  • Camera, film, extra batteries
  • Notebook & pen
  • Shorts and Long pants
  • Fanny pack/Day pack
  • “Grubbies” to wear for work projects
  • T-shirts
  • Modest swimsuit and a towel
  • Walking/tennis shoes (closed toe)
  • Flip-Flops/Sandals (extra shoes)
  • Hat, cap or visor for working in the sun*
  • Insect Repellent
  • Sunglasses & sunscreen (SPF #30)*
  • 1 paint brush (optional)
  • Water bottle or canteen*
  • Work/garden gloves
  • Sleeping bag/bed roll/pillow
  • Flashlight
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, wash cloth and towel, etc.)
  • A positive attitude, eagerness to learn, and a friendly smile!

    *Florida summers are very hot and humid. It is essential you wear light-colored, cool and loose fitting clothing and stay well hydrated. Only modest attire will be permitted for safety reasons. For your health and protection, you must drink plenty of water and apply liberal amounts of sunscreen (minimum SPF #30).
PLEASE DO NOT BRING: Jewelry, video games, radios/boom boxes, pagers, cell phones, fireworks, any form of drugs or alcohol. These items will be confiscated. Personal CD Players will be allowed during lights out time. LOMF will not be responsible for loss or theft of these items.


Medications will be the responsibility of each adult sponsor for the group. (In our case this will be Debbie Hanson) Please bring all medicines in original container with complete administration and storage directions clearly indicated. Further, enclose medicines in a Ziploc bag with your camper’s name clearly written in permanent marker on the bag.

If you have any questions about camp, registration, or any other concerns prior to or during camp please call Denise Baringer at 727.560.6241. Please bring all completed forms to camp with you. Health forms will be accepted without a Dr.’s signature.


Denise Baringer
Youth and Young Adult Disaster Response Coordinator

Enclosure: Parent Permission Form

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Florida
3815 W. State St, Tampa FL 33609-1259
Phone 813.801.9600 Fax 813.350.0664


Dear Parent,

Our Program Committee and Planning Team have been busy putting together final details to make Servanthood in the Sun Week a fun and meaningful experience for your youth.

Servanthood in the Sun includes: Swimming Off-site work projects
Off-site field trip to see fireworks on 4th of July

Insurance coverage for these activities is not provided by LOMF. If you wish your youth to participate in these activities, we must have a copy of your permission on file. Please sign the form below and bring it with you to Servanthood in the Sun.


Denise Baringer
Youth and Young Adult Disaster Response Coordinator

I waive any claims for personal injury or property damage that may occur as a result of my child’s participation in the following activities at Servanthood in the Sun:

Swimming Off-site work projects Off-site field trip to see fireworks on 4th of July

In consideration for ____________________________________’s (camper’s name) participation in above noted activities, I hereby grant to Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Florida (LOMF), the Florida-Bahamas Synod of the Evangelical Church in America, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and their agents a release of all legal and equitable claims, actions, or suits that may arise as a result of the above named camper’s participation in planned program activities.

This release is to be read broadly and include transportation to and from planned program activities and transportation while involved in planned program activities.

________________________________________ __________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Clothing - Think "appropriateness" and "modesty"

There was some concern that we were not specific enough in our Sunday meeting about what sorts of clothing to bring on the trip. Tara wrote up the following to help you in your packing:

Girls, no short shorts. If you wear halter tops or midriffs in our free time, they should not be low cut and you will also need to wear a swim suit top, sports bra, or another layer. Skirts should also not be short, short.

Guys & Girls, please do not wear any low rider waistlines on any clothing. Clothing should at all times cover all underwear.

Please make sure all T-Shirts and clothing model appropriate messages. If any chaperone believes what you are wearing is inappropriate, you will be asked to change. So think while you are packing.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Packing List Update - Good News

Just got an e-mail from Denise Baringer, our Servant Trip coordinator. She says that we won't need sleeping mats while we are in Florida, as we will have rollaway beds to sleep on. (We will still need mats for our nights in Georgia, however) Here's what her e-mail in response to my question about what we need to pack says:

Sorry to just now answer this--I have had major computer problems. We have rollaways so only sleeping bags are needed. Work clothes include jeans and at least one long sleeve shirt. Work gloves would be nice, but not necessary. An assortment of shorts and t shirt are all that is needed. Towels and washrags are needed as well. We have the rest of the tools.

Packing List

Remember, please Pack Lightly, but also try and remember all of the things that we're going to need. Two duffle bags are better than one overgrown suitcase.

The Packing List:
  1. Bible
  2. Sleeping Bag/Bedroll/Blanket/Air mattress
  3. Pillow
  4. 2 sets work clothes with long pants
  5. Work shorts
  6. Beach clothes/swimsuit (modest)
  7. Towel/Washcloth/toiletries
  8. Other clothes
  9. Lightweight, long-sleeve shirt & pants
  10. Hat (lightweight, cover top of ears)
  11. Shoes (closed toed and closed heeled for work), tennis shows, sandals
  12. Water Bottle
  13. Sunscreen & DEET bug repellant
  14. Clothes for Worship
  15. Camera, Music player, Cell phone - YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
  16. Personal Spending Money ($40-$80)
  17. Picture ID
  18. Journal
  19. Book to read on plane flights
  20. "Shoveable" luggage (bear in mind, you may have to have it in your lap or next to you)

Friday, June 24, 2005

It's only one week away...

Next Friday night 14 members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church's high school youth group (JAM - Jesus Always Moves) will be boarding a plane for Atlanta and then 3 mini-vans to drive the rest of the way to Ft. Pierce, FL for our week of service and learning. We are joining with Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Florida for their Servanthood in the Sun program. Please keep the youth and the 4 adults who will be joining them in your prayers for the next weeks.

We will be traveling to Atlanta on Delta #1233
Leaving Anchorage, AK (ANC) @ 2:40 am on 2 Jul 2005 and arriving in
Salt Lake City, UT (SLC) @ 9:13 am on 2 Jul 2005 connecting to
Delta #387 at 10:20 am on 2 Jul 2005 and arriving in
Atlanta, GA (ATL) @ 4:05 pm on 2 Jul 2005.

Make sure you have your Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan cards with you so you can earn miles for this flight.